Experience the rewards of being part of the Oceaneva family.


With our unique loyalty program, you earn points not only through purchases but also by simply following us on social media and just signing up for the free program!   


These valuable points can be redeemed for exclusive Oceaneva products. Start earning your rewards today!


Click Here to Log Into Your Existing Rewards Account

If you do not yet have an account.... Click here To Sign Up For Rewards (free)

You get 100 Points Just for signing up. You must confirm by email once you register for the process to be complete. After you are registered, you can start earning.  There are many ways to earn so keep reading. 

Your site login and rewards account login are the same.  You can use the link above to login or click the little person on the stop right corner of the desktop site which will give you a drop down and click "log in" or "register"

MOBILE USERS: If you are on mobile click the dropdown menu on the top left and click "account" See the pictures below for clarification:

 Oceaneva Login


One logged in you will see a page like this displaying your points

Points account page oceaneva 

Here will show you prior purchases, your address and your points balance.

If you click on your points, you will get a pop up that looks similar to below:

Points Pop Up Oceaneva

There you can learn how to earn more points without even making a purchase like for example, following us on various social media account.  You can also view your points history and of course redeem points for product. 

 In addition to earning other ways previously outlined you earn 1 point for ever $1 spent.  The program is outlined below

Redeem points Oceaneva

If on mobile the process is the same as outlined above just some things may look slightly different. 


 ****You only need one login as your rewards account login and site login are the same.  View your purchase and rewards all in the same place.  

****By Participating You Agree to the TERMS AND CONDITIONS of the Rewards Loyalty Program